Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 Tips On How To Improve Your Credit Score

At CarLotta Credit & Car Sales, we've seen many ways that people got into credit issues and their credit score went very low. The exact reasons are not important at this point...your credit is assumed to be already damaged. So we wanted to give you 5 tips to improve your credit score.

1) Get a copy of your credit report. If you don't know what so it, you can't address it. If you see any errors, start the process of getting them corrected. The 2 main credit bureaus are...
Experian http://www.experian.com/ and
Transunion http://www.transunion.com/
Both web sites give instructions on how to get your credit report and review them.

2) When looking at your credit report, pay off or try to settle all the small balances you may have hanging on you report. The fewer delinquent accounts, the better.

3) Check to be sure you are the correct person on the report. For example, is your uncle,son or father the same name as yours? Is your ex-wife/husband still have info on there should not be?

4) Try to pay your bills on time now, especially if a single incident ruined your credit...such as medical bills, or loss of a job. Be sure the bills you do pay on time are reporting you current to the credit bureaus.

5) Try to reestablish a high value credit item on your credit bureau and be sure they report your on time payments.

This last one is the one that CarLotta Credit can help you with. When you buy a car from us, we do report your on time payments to the credit bureau. It will help you improve your credit in the first 180 days. On time payments on a vehicle will help you more quickly than say, on time credit card payments.

The reality is though, no one can repair your credit except you. At CarLotta Credit, we can help you.

Let me know what you think.
CarLotta, http://www.carlottacredit.com/

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