Monday, October 25, 2021

Does Falling Back For Daylight Savings Time Affect Your Driving?

Do you suffer from Drowsy Driving as a result of the twice-a-year time change? Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021, when the clock will “fall back” one hour. There are several things you can do to keep yourself and others on the road around you safe. Pull over if you feel drowsy or sense your reaction time is impaired. Some warning signs of drowsy driving are yawning, heavy eyelids, tailgating, drifting into other lanes, and an inability to recall the past few miles of driving. Spend a little extra time in bed. Get to bed earlier at night or sleep a little later in the morning for the week following the time change. Travel with someone. Carpooling can save you money and help keep you alert and awake during your drive. Remember that there may be other drowsy drivers on the road whose reaction time may be slower than normal. Give lots of room and use patience at intersections. Most of us can use some additional instruction in safe driving practices to help us build safer driving habits. Car-Lotta reminds you that not only does safer driving save lives, but it could also save you money on your auto insurance premiums.

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