Friday, September 13, 2024

Ready For Fall Driving?

The arrival of autumn brings with it a unique set of challenges for drivers. Falling leaves can gather in a pile and create a road hazard. Wet leaves can be as slippery as ice. Fallen leaves can also hide road markings and obscure hazards like potholes and bumps as well as obscure traffic lines and other pavement markings. Other fall hazards for motorists can be fog and sun glare and morning frost. Here are a few fall driving tips: Increase your following distance in severe weather, at dusk and dawn and when in an area with wet leaves. If you are being tailgated, let the other driver pass. Check your vehicle's headlights, taillights and turn signals to ensure they are working properly since darkness will be a part of many driver's morning and/or evening commutes. Make sure you turn on your headlights as the sunlight fades. Have your vehicle's heating and wiper systems checked to ensure they are working properly. Be sure you have tires with sufficient tread depth in case of an early season snow.

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