Friday, June 7, 2024

Does Your Windshield Fog Up On The Inside?

Your windshield fog can occur when warm air inside a car meets and cools rapidly against the windows, causing condensation and liquid to form. As the liquid evaporates, it can leave behind a cloudy fog. The easiest way to keep your car windows from fogging up is to open a window, even just a little bit. Letting some of the air inside your car escape will help equalize the temperature difference between the outside and inside of your vehicle. It will prevent water vapor from forming on your windows in the first place. Here are some other tips for clearing foggy windows in hot weather: 1. Utilize your windshield wipers. 2. Heat up the interior of your vehicle. 3. Keep recirculation turned off: To combat foggy windows, deactivate the recirculation feature in your car so that the interior temperature and humidity align with the external conditions.

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