Friday, May 17, 2024

Stuck In Traffic?

Getting stuck in traffic is like a rite of passage for all drivers. Whether you like it or not, it’s happened to you, and it’s most likely going to happen again. Nobody wants to be sitting in a traffic jam, but at least make the best of it. If you’re a passenger, or if you’re pulled over to the side of the road, out of the way of other cars/traffic – Here’s a handy list of things to do to pass the time; Bust out your Karaoke chops Play the license plate abbreviation game Make the person/people in the car next to you laugh Switch it up with a podcast Clean up the general area around your seat Do some car exercises Start a round of I-Spy Become a champion of 20 Questions Phone a friend- It’s always good to catch up with people! The most important tip of all though: pay attention to the traffic around you! The games and advice may be fun to do, but driving is always your top priority.

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