Monday, August 26, 2019

How Much Is Your Insurance Deductible?

It’s all about your budget – and your comfort level with risk.
Here are some things to consider about  when choosing your deductible.
  1. Your budget: Ask yourself: What’s the amount of money I would be comfortable paying if I need to repair my vehicle? The lower your deductible, the less you will have to pay out of pocket if you have to file a claim, but your overall car insurance premium will be higher.
    It works the opposite way, as well.  If you have a high deductible, you will have a lower car insurance premium – but you’ll pay more out of pocket if you file a claim. This decision comes down to personal preference and what you can afford within your current budget.
  2. Drive time: Think about the amount of time you spend driving on a daily or weekly basis. If you’re in your car a lot – or driving in more accident-prone areas – you might be exposed to more risk than someone who drives less.
  3. Value of your vehicle: The more expensive the vehicle, the more it costs to insure. In that scenario, a high deductible could help you save on your premium. However, if you have a car loan, some lenders stipulate that your deductible should not exceed a certain amount. Check with your lender to be sure.
Car-Lotta Car Sales Suggests you keep your deductible at NO MORE THAN $500.00 but the decision is ultimately yours.

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