Monday, July 23, 2018

Ever Drive In A Flash Flood?

Flash flood can  happen quickly, but their damage can be  long-lasting. If you know your area is under a flash flood warning, the best thing to do is get off the road immediately and stay inside until you know it's OK to be outside again.

However, if you can't get inside right away and the road ahead is covered in standing water, turn around. Do not try to drive through the water even if it looks like you can. Just one to two feet of water can float most cars - even SUVs and large trucks.

If you do become trapped in a vehicle that's overrun by flood or fast-moving waters, don't panic. The vehicle will likely stall and move with the waters, so you need to get out fast so you don't get swept away or sink with the car.

        Follow these steps as calmly as you can to get out safely:

  • First, unbuckle your seatbelt and instruct any children in the vehicle  to do the same.
  • Roll a window down.
  • If you can't engage the windows, use an emergency escape tool, umbrella or any sharp object to break the glass.
  • Swim out and get to safety as quickly as possible.
 A vehicle emergency kit can make all the difference during a serious storm.  Make sure yours is in your vehicle  at all times.
In any of these scenarios, it's best to play it safe and wait out the threat. Once conditions improve, it's fine to re-start your vehicle or call 911 for help.

Car-Lotta Car Sales reminds you to BE SAFE!

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