Monday, September 25, 2017

Has Your Vehicle Been In A Flood?

Floods have drenched much of the United States  recently.   Unfortunately, flood-damaged vehicles can be hard to spot. Knowing the signs can help.
Here are a few ways to determine if a used car is a clean machine or a juicy lemon.
The quickest way to sniff out whether or not a car has flood damage is to literally sniff it. It's  difficult to completely rid a flood-damaged car of its moldy aroma, and mildew formation is a sure sign that the car was exposed to significant amounts of water. This unpleasant smell is a helpful clue for prospective buyers. If you smell the mold right away, you're probably looking at a flood-damaged car. If you aren't quite sure, however, close the windows and doors, sit inside, and give it a good long sniff.
Along with your sense of smell, your sense of touch is important to sensing moisture in a used car. Water from flooding tends to collect in locations even the dealer may miss.
Run your hands along the carpet and pat it in different spots to try to locate moisture. If you're able, peel back the carpet to see if you can feel moisture between the carpet and the car body. You may also see other signs of water damage, such as rust, by looking under the carpet.
Be sure to open the trunk and feel around the carpet there. Take out the spare tire and feel the material underneath. This is a location where water tends to collect, and it can be missed during even the most thorough of preparations for the lot.
Corrosion is a common affliction in flood-damaged cars. The damage you see today isn't the only ramification of rust: Corrosion continues to eat away at materials long after the car is dry.
Rust and corrosion are often visible. Look for signs of corrosion on metals both inside and out. If you see rust on screws, door hinges, hood springs, trunk latches or brackets under the dashboard, for example, you know those metals had significant contact with water.
Open the doors and look at where the door meets the body. Corrosion often occurs in that corner. In fact, check all four doors, including the bottoms, inside and out.
Another clue is the quality of the carpet. If the vehicle is 10 years old but the carpet looks new, be suspicious. If the upholstery doesn't appear to match, with sections that are a different color, faded, newer or with patterns that don't line up, then someone may have removed water-stained patches. Loose carpet also requires further scrutiny.
While a car is sitting (or floating) in a flood, the water carries in all manner of debris, such as grass, dirt, sand and silt. When the water level recedes, the water itself may be gone, but much of the debris remains. It's difficult for someone cleaning a car to remove all of it.
When examining a used car, you'll want to look in the places where mud and grass may remain after a flood. These include the following areas:
  • inside and under the glove compartment
  • engine crevices
  • the trunk
  • under the spare tire
  • under the dashboard
  • below seats and in seating tracks
  • in wheel wells
Even a used car is an investment, and you don't want to buy a damaged car that will cost you tons of money in the long run. If after your own inspection you still aren't sure the car is completely dry, hire an expert.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Do You Have A PA Road Concern??

Would you like to report a concern on state-owned road conditions, construction projects, signs or signals, speed limits, or damage to personal property? Please use the following link  to let PennDot know.

Car-Lotta wants to remind you - We care!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Do You Want Your Children To Do Better In School?

School has started back up. CarLotta Credit and Car Sales thought these 5 ways to help your child do better in school could be very helpful. As a parent, after working a hard and long day is easy to forget about your children's needs sometimes...

1) Listen. Listen, really listen without tv or other distractions, to what they tell you about their day. How do you feel when are trying to tell someone you care about, how your day went and they just "yes" you to death and watch tv? You can find out so much about your child just from this step. Are they feeling bullied? Are they happy with their teachers? Is the bus ride okay? Do they need help with their homework?

2) Read To Your Kids. When they are young, read to them. When they are older, read with them and encourage them to read on their own. If you feel books are too expensive to buy, there is always the library. The type of book or subject is less important then the actually reading. Set aside limited times for tv, video games and computer. This will give time for reading. How about trading 1 hour of tv for each 1/2 hour reading?

3) If they need help with their schoolwork, give it to them. If you do not feel qualified to help them with 7th grade math for example, ask around. You'd be surprised how many adults, and older kids, are good at school work...and are willing to help for free. You just have to ask. What help and support are available after school or in school?

4) Look at your child's homework and read their reports and papers. Give encouragement, maybe fix a spelling error or two and just show that you care. It is not about you helping them get an "A". It is about you caring about what they are working on and spending their entire day worrying about.

5) BE POSITIVE. It can be very difficult after a long day, but reward their effort with encouragement. How hard do you work if someone is on your case and negative every day?  How about hiding a funny card or note in one of their books or tablets to bring a smile during a hectic day, or before a test? The small things do help.

 Car-Lotta Reminds you ..... If you love them...tell them and show them every day.

Monday, September 4, 2017

How Is Labor Day Celebrated ?

Traditionally, Labor Day is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. In high society, Labor Day is (or was) considered the last day of the year when it is fashionable for women to wear white.

 Labor Day marks the beginning of the NFL and college football seasons. NCAA teams usually play their first games the week before Labor Day, with the NFL traditionally playing their first game the Thursday following Labor Day. Most school districts that started summer vacation in mid June will resume school near this day.

The first Labor Day in the United States was observed on September 5, 1882, in Boston, by the Central Labor Union of New York, the nation's first integrated major trade union. It became a federal holiday in 1894. Singed into law as a National Holiday by Grover Cleveland.

All Car-Lotta Credit locations will be closed Monday September 4th  in observance of Labor Day.

We will re open Tuesday September 5th  at 9:00 am.