Friday, March 22, 2024

If You Replace Your Windshield What Happens To Your State Inspection Sticker?

Understanding Windshield Replacement and Inspection Stickers in Pennsylvania In the state of Pennsylvania, the process of replacing a windshield can sometimes lead to confusion regarding inspection stickers and their transfer between the old and new glass. It is essential for both auto glass shop customers and service stations to understand their responsibilities in this situation to ensure compliance with the law and avoid unnecessary issues. When a windshield replacement is performed in Pennsylvania, an auto glass shop is not legally obligated to transfer inspection stickers from the old windshield to the new one. While some auto glass shops may make an effort to save and transfer the stickers as a courtesy to their customers, it is important to note that any damage to the stickers during the replacement process is not the shop's responsibility. According to Pennsylvania regulations, inspection stickers are considered the property of the vehicle owner rather than the auto glass shop. As a result, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their inspection stickers are replaced. In cases where the stickers cannot be saved or are damaged during the replacement process, the customer may need to visit the service station that inspected their vehicle to obtain new replacement stickers. Auto glass shops are required to cut out the inspection stickers from the old windshield and hand them over to the customer. The customer can then take the stickers to the service station for replacement, bearing in mind that they may incur additional costs for the new stickers.

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