Monday, November 13, 2017

Did You Have Ice On Your Windshield This Morning?

It's here- The cold weather has begun -

You walk out the door in the morning to leave for the day and there it is.... ICE ON YOUR WINDSHIELD!!! Here are a few tips to get you through those days when the ice is just too thick to melt and scraping it off is a must.

1. First thing to do is start your vehicle engine. This will allow heat to travel up to the windshield and start the melting process naturally.

2. Turn your vehicle defroster on low. Turning it on high is not a good idea when the windshield is full of ice, this could cause the window to crack.

3. Use an ice scraper to remove the ice from your windshield. This tool is specially designed just for this annoying problem.

NO Ice Scraper?? Keep Reading: 
4. Kitchen utensils are not only good for cooking, they are also good for removing the ice of your windshield. Plastic spatulas work wonders on thin ice.

5. Keep salt in arms length when winter arises. NOT cooking salt, but salt that is grainy. Take the salt and pour it on the windshield, then with gloves on, rub the salt onto the windshield. Step back for a few minutes so the salt can start to melt the ice away and then start scraping.

6. Try this simple homemade solution - One of the best ways to remove the ice off of your windshield is a simple mixture that contains items you find inside of your house. Fill a spray bottle with one cup of water, one cup of rubbing alcohol and one cup of vinegar. Shake well and spray it all over the windshield. Let it sit for about five minutes and watch the ice just roll down the glass. You can try scraping it as well, but usually all you need to so is spray and watch.

7. This might sound a bit strange but .... but you can plug a blow dryer in a waterproof extension cord and point it at your window when iced up. Don't turn it on high, keep it on low and move slowly across the windshield until you see the ice slowly disappear. This process may take a bit of time.

You can always AVOID ice on your windshield by investing in a piece of cardboard shaped to the size of your windshield. Place it on the windshield the night before a freeze, then remove in the morning with no worries about scraping or melting the ice off. All you have to worry about is keeping yourself warm.

Car-Lotta reminds you to BE PREPARED!

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