Monday, July 11, 2016

Is Your Vehicle On The Most Stolen List ?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates that a vehicle is stolen every 45 seconds in the United States.  No one ever wants to think about having his or her car stolen. It was reported  that  689,527 vehicles were stolen in 2013. While everyone should take caution with their car, the owners of the 10 most stolen cars might want to be extra vigilant. 

Here is a list of the top 10 most frequently stolen vehicles in 2014 :

10. Nissan Maxima
9. Acura Integra
8. Nissan Altima
7. Dodge Caravan
6. Dodge Pickup (full size)
5. Toyota Camry
4. Chevrolet Pickup (full size)
3. Ford Pickup (full size)
2. Honda Civic
1. Honda Accord

 _________________________________________________________________________________ Car-Lotta Credit and Car Sales  wa:nts to make sure you  protect your vehicle by making sure you always lock your car and by having the right auto insurance.

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